Monsoon rains in India: Dozens die in flash floods

Several dozen people have died in flash floods linked to heavy rains in India in recent days.

More rain is expected in some areas in the coming days, India’s weather service announced on Monday. Rescue work continued.

Children drown too

In Jharkhand state, for example, six children drowned after bathing in puddles at an abandoned graphite mine on Sunday, local news agency PTI reported, citing police. In the specially-affected state of Himachal Pradesh, more than 90 roads were recently closed after a landslide, “Indian Express” reported on Monday. And in parts of Madhya Pradesh state, schools remained closed on Monday, according to PTI.

Rainy season in India

Heavy rains causing heavy flooding and landslides are common in South Asia during the current monsoon season. The rainy season usually lasts from June to September. The damage is often great, entire houses are washed away, there is always a loss of life – but rain is essential for agriculture, where most of the population lives.

Ambrose Fernandez

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