Mistakenly video of storm destroys Israel after attacking Palestine in October 2023

A video claiming the storm destroyed Israel after attacking Palestine circulated on Facebook. Account Facebook [arsip] This shows a storm that hit several areas of Palestine.

Videos reels This was distributed on October 18, 2023 and accompanied by the story “The weapons of Allah destroy Israel. Allahu Akbar.”

Until this article was published, the video had received 113 comments and been shared 38 times. Is this really a video of a storm that hit Israeli territory after attacking Palestine in October 2023?




To verify the video’s claim, the Tempo Fact Check team used the InVid tool to fragment the video into multiple image chunks. Then the search is carried out using reverse image Google and Yandex.

Therefore, the video above is the result of manipulation editing which combines a number of different videos. The video circulated on the Internet before Israel attacked Palestine in October 2023.

Video 1

Tempo found a video identical to the clip showing a commercial building with tall buildings in the background. An identical video was uploaded to the channel YouTube Tornado Trackers on October 9, 2016 under the title “Hurricane Matthew – Melbourne and Jacksonville, FL”.

“A complete recap of our pursuit of Hurricane Matthew from Melbourne, Florida, and Jacksonville Beach, Florida, October 6-7, 2016. Includes images of extremely high winds, storm surge, and blown debris by the wind,” says the caption of the video.

Armed with the words “Frangipani Aveda Salon” on a sign in the video above, the location in question was found on a search engine and Google Street View.

City of the site jacksonville.com, Hurricane Matthew, a Category 2 storm about 55 miles northeast of Mayport, hit the beaches of Jacksonville and St. John’s. Augustine. Hurricane Matthew caused widespread power outages, downed trees and flooded roads.

This storm forced residents of the coastal area to evacuate. Local officials repeatedly said they needed time to assess the damage, much of which appeared to be concentrated in Jacksonville Beach.

Video 2

Another video clip, namely a sports arena hit by a storm, is identical to the video uploaded to YouTube by the official news site channel. CNBC on July 28, 2023. This video was posted online under the title “Typhoon Doksuri tears off tiles from China sports center | CNBCTV18.”

Strong winds from Super Typhoon Doksuri tore the roof off a sports center in Fujian, China, according to CNBC TV.

Video 3

Meanwhile, footage showing a number of vehicles caught in the storm is identical to the video uploaded by the YouTube channel. The amusement house is good on July 12, 2023.

The account does not provide information on where the incident took place. However, based on the description in the “About” section, The Amusement House wrote that they were from India and the videos they uploaded were India-related events.


Based on Tempo’s fact-check, the video claiming the storm hit Israeli territory after attacking Palestine in October 2023 is fake.

The video circulated on the Internet long before Israel attacked Palestine in October 2023. The images of the storm it contains are the result of manipulation. editing which combines several pictures such as Hurricane Matthew which hit Florida (United States) in October 2016 and Typhoon Doksuri in Fujian (China) in July 2023.


**Do you have information or a claim you want to verify? Get in touch Chatbots We. You can also submit criticisms, objections, or comments to this Fact Check article by email. [email protected]

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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