Kevin and Marcus will debut with a new partner

Jakarta: Former world number ones in men’s doubles, Marcus Fernaldi Gideon and Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo, have a new partner. Marcus will be paired with Muhammad Rayhan Nur Fadillah and Kevin will have a duo with Rahmat Hidayat. Kevin/Rahmat will make their debut at the Korea Masters 2023, while Marcus/Rayhan at the India Masters 2023.

PBSI men’s doubles coach Aryono Miranat spoke about the preparedness of Marcus/Rayhan and Kevin/Rahmat. Aryono said that Kevin/Rahmat did not train together because Rahmat had just appeared with Rayhan at the Indonesia Challenge and Indonesia Masters.

Meanwhile, Marcus/Rayhan can still prepare for the India Masters. Both will not be released until December.

“Kevin/Rahmat’s preparations before the Korea Masters are quite good after not being able to train together for two weeks, because Rahmat was playing in two tournaments Indonesia Challenge and Indonesia Masters in Surabaya with Muhammad Rayhan Nur Fadillah,” said Aryono.

“At the Cipayung National Training Center, Kevin trained with coach Thomas Indratjaya. After being able to train together, he returned with Rahmat. This weekend, they will participate in the Korea Masters tournament and continue at Japan Masters in Kumamoto,” he said. continued.

β€œIn the meantime, for Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Muhammad Rayhan Nur Fadillah, there is still preparation time to participate in the Indian tournament in December,” he concluded.

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Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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