Indian cricket pharaoh business

Broadcast rights of $6.2 billion make it the second most expensive sport in the world

A big game can attract 600 million viewers, six times more than the Super Bowl final – © SIPA

Mahabharata Chronicle,
Charlie Salkazanov

Unknown in France, cricket is the most broadcasted sports competition in the world, after American football. Sport and money often go hand in hand, but the transformation of cricket into a very profitable business is recent. India is lagging behind in the sports business. It wasn’t until 2008 that a transformation occurred with the formation of the Indian Premier League (IPL), the equivalent of the NBA in the United States. Within fifteen years, it was he who brought about the fusion of sport and business and made India a big winner.

Ranging from folklore to entertainment

Cricket is without a doubt a national passion. With the demographic boom, the number of fans […]

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