India is on the rise

He returned last week from a state visit to Washington, where he was received with pomp and contract. In Paris, he will soon be guest of honor at a July 14 ceremony in hopes of a new deal. Why is there so much desire being shown today regarding Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India?

India, in full transformation

He has now become the most popular democratically elected leader, and not just his own population, playing with the best contemporary geopolitical divisions, traditionally close to Moscow, whose aggression in Ukraine he does not condemn, touted by Washington as a useful counterweight. to Chinese power, courted by Europeans hungry for its markets, admired by the global South, whose leadership it claims. How has Indian diplomacy succeeded, as in yoga, in cultivating so many seemingly contradictory postures? India is on the rise: the world’s largest population, fifth economy, third CO2 emitter and one of the most seriously affected by global warming. What are its economic strengths and weaknesses? The world’s greatest democracy, according to the accepted formula, is in full transformation: Narendra Modi holds in his hands the country, the Asian version of an illiberal authoritarian system, in the interests of increasingly violent Hindu nationalism. What is the method, how does the Indian narrative also benefit from its many and powerful diaspora, particularly in the United States, and in Great Britain, which it owes after all to its current prime minister?

Foreign affairs

59 minutes

Sandrine Prévot posted

India, the network society (De l’Aube Edition, 2021). Christophe Jaffrelot wrote *L’

Modi’s India: Hindu Nationalism, Populism, and Ethnic Democracy (Fayard, 2019). Jean-Luc Racine posted

India is in a power play, between Ukraine and the G20in the journal Politique Etrangère (June 2023).

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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