“Technical problem”: India unintentionally fires a missile at Pakistan
New Delhi.India accidentally fired a missile at Pakistan, government sources say. The reason was a technical problem during routine maintenance work, the Defense Ministry in New Delhi said on Friday. The incident is therefore deeply regrettable, but it is also a relief that there were no fatalities in Wednesday’s accident. The Indian government has ordered an investigation.
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India and Pakistan are nuclear powers and neighboring countries. Their relationship is very strained. Both were once part of the British colonial empire – with independence in 1947 this was split into two countries. They have ongoing disputes over control of the Kashmir region in the Himalayas on their border. They also waged several wars against each other.
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Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday spoke of an unprovoked violation of Pakistan’s airspace “with a supersonic flying object of Indian origin” and summoned the Indian charge d’affaires to Islamabad. The supersonic flying object destroyed civilian property and endangered aircraft in Pakistani airspace, which could have resulted in a terrible accident, the ministry said.