Habeck expects “tough discussions” in India

“India has the potential to become one of the fastest growing countries,” Habeck told internet portal NTV before leaving for New Delhi. Economically, this country is one of the “one of the most attractive countries”.

And: “It is also a very important country in a geopolitical context, even if we have difficult discussions,” said the Green politician. Germany and Europe must assert themselves in competition with China and the US and therefore need partners. “We can no longer afford economic hubris,” said Habeck. “We have to try and play in global competition instead of standing on the sidelines.” Habeck hopes for progress in negotiating a free trade agreement between the EU and India. “We as the federal government are very concerned,” Habeck said. However, “there is still a lot to talk about”. “But that doesn’t mean India is trying to become a premium partner of the West by flying the flag,” the minister said, also referring to the good relations between India and Russia. “Relations with India are important, but also complicated.” He also wanted to address this in talks with Indian government officials. Habeck flew to New Delhi on Wednesday, where he arrived on Thursday (local time). After speaking with Indian ministers, the German minister will travel to Mumbai on Friday. Habeck will take part in the G20 energy ministers meeting in Goa on Saturday.

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