Geopolitics: Heusgen for expansion of G7 format – News

The heads of state and government of the G20 round of the most important industrialized and developing countries will meet this Saturday and Sunday in the Indian capital, New Delhi. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) is also expected. Apart from Germany, France and the United States, this group also includes Russia and China.

When asked whether the expansion of the G7 would devalue the G20 format in the most important industrialized and developing countries on all continents, Heusgen recalled that the G20 round took place in connection with the global financial crisis of 2008/2009. “Represented countries that are important for economic and financial development throughout the world. But not all of them are democracies.”

Heusgen said the G20 also needs to consider whether and how to expand it if necessary. “I think the idea, which Chancellor Scholz also supports, of expanding the G20 to include the African Union is a good idea.”

China and India as important players

Heusgen was wary of Chinese state and party leader Xi Jinping’s decision not to travel to the G20 summit in India. “Of course it wouldn’t be good if the Chinese president didn’t come,” he said. “However, we are also wary of tensions between China and India, especially in the border areas.” It could be that this tension played a role in the cancellation.

India replaced China as the country with the largest population and has become very confident under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Heusgen said. “Perhaps President Xi wants to throw Modi into the summit soup by canceling it,” he added. The rejection made it clear: “The recently celebrated union of the Brics countries in South Africa is only superficial.”

The 68-year-old Heusgen is a foreign and security policy adviser to Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). From 2017 to June 2021 he worked as Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the UN in New York.

Ambrose Fernandez

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