Florent Pagny: has lung cancer, he gives some comforting news

the important one
Since January, Florent Pagny has been battling lung cancer. “Everything went really well,” he wrote on Instagram on Sunday 14 August.

Finally there is some comforting news from Florent Pagny. The singer, who has been suffering from lung cancer since January, wrote “Everything is going very well” in an Instagram post on Sunday. The publication shows a photo of him facing the sunset. In the legend he wrote “I took color in the Aegean Sea, wonderful”

His entourage spoke in comments in his support. Especially Matt Pokora, Nikos Aliagas or Carla Bruni.

A treatment that seems to work

In January he was forced to cancel his tour. The translator of “Knowing how to love” gave the news in May in a video. He asserted that “the protocol is working quite well because from the two chemotherapy-immunotherapy my tumor was as big as a kiwi turned into a hazelnut”.

He went on to mention the sequel “So I’m going to finish The Voice, I’m going to finish chemo, then I’m going to get stronger, fatter, and then if all goes well, we’ll meet again next year to finish what I started, so that will called La Tournée des 61”.

Garfield Woolery

"Award-winning travel lover. Coffee specialist. Zombie guru. Twitter fan. Friendly social media nerd. Music fanatic."

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