Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz in Bietigheim-Bissingen: How the country became economically and ecologically strong – Bietigheim-Bissingen

The shortage of skilled workers across industries is seen as a fundamental problem. Greater recognition for apprentices – Tok mentions the finance craftsman master bonus – as well as opportunities for further training, so that training is seen as equivalent to studying, should increase the appeal here. Weyrauch also spoke about immigration: “We need 100 to 150,000 new people in Germany every year.”

“We definitely can’t be independent from China in the short term,” said the Dürr boss, whose a quarter of his business takes place in China. However: “We are broadening our view”. This is a consequence of the current situation. Partners like India and the US will be more attractive.

Stress test for economy

The Minister of Finance also called for realism with regard to foreign trade policy – ​​today he sees Nord Stream 2 as a purely economic project as naive. He proposes a stress test for the economy: What happens if, for example, the invasion of Taiwan results in this or that sanction? Supply chain diversification should be addressed, as well as increased trade with democracies.

We had to be careful that “we don’t lose our image in Baden-Württemberg,” says Weyrauch, and reports on business partners who were surprised and learned of a railway quirk when they visited Germany – “terrible with the Japanese.”

open discussion

After a good hour of conversation, discussion was opened – and stimulated. Above all, Weyrauch’s assertion that ecology and technology should be thought of together, and not limiting the latter in favor of the former, was criticized. One of the listeners admitted that they did not understand, there are other possibilities. “My children and grandchildren have to live in this world,” explained another – after a possible failure of the 1.5 degree target, he demanded “absolute priority for climate” from the government – the small but steady step policy announced by Bayaz was not enough.

All three interviewees were serious but determined that evening: The situation is difficult, we live in a time of crisis and upheaval, and Baden-Württemberg’s good reputation could quickly be lost again. However, we have the ideas and the means to shape the future.

Ambrose Fernandez

"Subtly charming web junkie. Unapologetic bacon lover. Introvert. Typical foodaholic. Twitter specialist. Professional travel fanatic."

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