Enclave between Lithuania and Poland: Russia Moves MIG Jets to Kaliningrad – Politics

Zelenskyj demanding Russia’s unconditional withdrawal from nuclear power plants

Before meeting with UN Secretary General António Guterres, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyj one more Deduction Russian troops requested from the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant. “This is definitely without conditions and occur as soon as possible,” said Zelenskyj on Wednesday night at her video address.

Ukrainian diplomats, scientists and

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is working to visit To activate a committee of experts in nuclear power plants. “Only absolute Transparency and controlled situations in and around nuclear power plants ensure a Return to normal nuclear security for the Ukrainian state the international community and the IAEA,” said Zelenskyj.

Russian troop situation occupying Europe’s largest nuclear power plant is an international concern

state community for weeks. Repeatedly beating the power plant site Bullet one, with Russia and Ukraine blaming each other for the shooting make responsible. Visit the IAEA mission in Zaporizhia

Topics at Selenskyj’s meeting with Guterres this Thursday in Lviv (Lviv) be. The third participant at the summit is Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Russian Crew administration reports on Wednesday

twice about the alleged shooting of Ukraine in nuclear power plants. Two employees from Plants were arrested according to police because they were Ukrainian soldiers reports agency Ria Nowosti. independent

There is no confirmation about this. (dpa)

Ambrose Fernandez

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