Papua60detik – The Eltinus Omaleng Open Tournament 2023 Badminton Championship officially kicked off on Sunday evening (11/12/2023).
The tournament was held at Graha Eme Neme Yauware and was attended by 86 players consisting of local, national and foreign players.
The national players involved in this championship, such as Tommy Sugiarto, Ade Yusuf Santoso, Hardianto and several other names, three foreign players from India, Jagaadesh Kalaga, Siddart Elango, Goes Shaik also hosted this tournament.
Eltinus said badminton is a popular sport among people from all walks of life.
This tournament is held in two categories, namely clubs and veterans, then the numbers contested are men’s doubles and singles. The veteran category only competes in doubles.
“That’s why I want our young generation of Mimika, who have talent in this sport, to be better trained,” he said.
According to Eltinus, through tournaments we can attract serious and talented young Mimika children to develop in the future.
“I really appreciate holding this badminton tournament, which is also an effort to encourage this sport in Mimika, the end result can be to improve the quality and achievements of badminton,” he said.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Activities Committee Aleks Omaleng said preparations for holding the tournament began in September and will take place in November 2023.
Alex said that 5 PB teams or clubs also participated in this tournament, namely Mimika I, Mimika II, Intan Angkasa X Sneklek, PB Anda, Snek Lek Official. For veterans, it is filled by clubs or PB in Mimika.
“As chairman of the committee, I am proud because this championship is a prestigious championship in Mimika, in which not only players from Mimika but also 3 Indian players and 9 Indonesian players of national level participate,” he explained to the opening of the activity.
According to Aleks, the tournament was organized in order to give young Mimika the opportunity to hone their skills and talents, as well as to instill a passion for sports in Mimika’s younger generation.
“Maintain honesty and good sportsmanship during the game,” he said. (Faris)