Due to differences in asylum policies, there is currently no agreement between the 16 states

This was reported by “Spiegel”. The prime minister’s plan is to find common ground, especially on the issue of refugee policy, in order to put pressure on Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD).

The federal states have long called for further steps to limit the number of refugees as well as more funding for accommodation and care for those fleeing to Germany. Instead of a joint paper, so far there are only proposed resolutions from the states ruled by the SPD, the so-called party A, and one of the states ruled by the Union (party B). The meeting in Frankfurt am Main will focus, among other things, on energy policy and Deutschlandticket financing. According to reports, there is a dispute between countries A and B, especially regarding the refugee issue. The paper from the Union-led states clearly goes beyond the demands of the SPD-led states. It calls for the Maghreb countries of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria as well as India and Armenia to be classified as “safe countries of origin”. In addition, there must be a clearer commitment to limiting immigration and an orientation towards the possibilities that exist in municipalities, as well as a clear commitment to protecting the EU’s external borders and the efforts required by the federal government to achieve this. European Union-led states are also working on a bill to introduce “payment cards” for refugees that would replace cash benefits. However, your call for a legislative process to increase yields is likely to be invalid after the Federal Ministry of the Interior presented a related draft on Wednesday. The traffic light party faction previously agreed to this.

dts Deutsche Textservice Nachrichtenagentur GmbH

Ambrose Fernandez

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