Dozens of deaths at 46 degrees

People wait outside the district hospital in Ballia, India
Image: dpa

In northern India, many people seem to be succumbing to the effects of extreme temperatures. The government has been accused of not doing enough to prevent heat-related deaths.

IIndian authorities are investigating the deaths of dozens of people who are believed to have died from the extreme heat. According to a report in “The Times of India” newspaper, the number of victims in the affected areas of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, the two most populous states of the subcontinent, is now around 170. . Political disputes broke out about the real cause of the deaths.

The head of the state hospital in Ballia County has been fired for “negligent remarks” after explaining the death of several patients from heat stroke. Officials pointed out that the victims were elderly and had previous illnesses.

Ambrose Fernandez

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