Dax company relies heavily on China

Production by Siemens in China

China is an important location for Siemens. However, if the European/US and Chinese economic areas were to separate, China would be increasingly a risk to German companies.

(Photo: dpa)

When he spoke publicly about China, Siemens boss Roland Busch found only words of praise. You have to treat the country with “respect,” he said in an interview a few months ago. But when the door closed, Busch began to talk about the downside of the explosion. China, he said a year ago at a meeting of business leaders at Deutsche Bank headquarters, has become the biggest risk.

Even then, Busch and the assembled managers worried that the European/US and Chinese economic areas would be separated, which is called decoupling. This jeopardizes the lucrative network of factories and joint ventures that have been built up over the years.

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