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A true leader is someone who stands as a strong support system for their team during the most difficult time. Entrepreneur Shipra Neeraj has shown that side of her personality to the fullest as one of the most senior executives at an international direct selling company, QNet.

When Shipra entered the direct selling world years ago and joined QNet, there were so many challenges to contend with. Shipra shares that despite being a 24-year-old company with offices in more than 50 countries and customers in over 180 countries, QNet has faced a number of legal challenges in India due to some misunderstandings. This led to a major media whirlwind of negative publicity surrounding the company and created an atmosphere of distrust.

It was Shipra’s early days with the company and a situation like this definitely got overwhelming for her. Shipra shares that these developments presented several challenges to her as a prominent leader in the QNet distribution network. But it was her faith in the company that helped her.

“I knew the company very well and had full confidence in the people behind it. I saw that the company is always trying to do the right thing and that their heart is in the right place.” She says.

Discussing how she has led her team through this difficult time, Shipra says she knew the company would get through the rough patch against all odds and as such remains fully committed to its distribution network in India. With a firm belief, she focused on supporting her team while receiving strong support from her key people.

Shipra Neeraj goes on to add that so many people had double thoughts during this time, but it made her a strong leader. “I have to say my dedication and hard work has paid off and today I have one of the fastest growing teams in QNet with approximately thousands of people spread across India, Dubai, Nepal, UK and Thailand.”

That being said, Shipra also faced challenges in her journey to being accepted as a leader. In a patriarchal society, her goals often became more difficult, but thanks to her dedication and caliber, she managed to overcome all negativity and emerge stronger.

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Sybil Alvarez

"Incurable gamer. Infuriatingly humble coffee specialist. Professional music advocate."

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