Thursday July 20, 2023 – 6:57 PM WIB
Jakarta – tvOne is now the first private TV channel in Southeast Asia and the second in the world to use the technology Artificial intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence in the dissemination of information.
chief Executive Officer (CEO) tvOne, Taufan Eko Nugroho said that in the future, he believes the potential of AI will be very bright. Because, the use of technology makes it possible to speed up the work, the analysis and the clarity of the information.
“We are starting to implement this within our organization. A simple example is if TV talks about data grades, share every day, now we enter this data in machine learning us,” Taufan told The Convergence Indonesia, Jakarta on Thursday, July 20, 2023.
TVOne AI presenter, Nadira.
However, Taufan pointed out, with this AI, the news that is broadcast is always made by a professional journalist.
“Did the reporter look for material from the AI? We recommend it because it’s a quick validation of the data, etc. But what summarizes the words read by the presenter is of human origin,” he explained.
He revealed that this AI technology has been in use since April 21, 2023. Where TVOne’s competitors are only from India.
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