Amazon and its millions of customers around the world have become a hunting ground for cybercriminals. As online fraud explodes, the American group warned its customers on Friday, August 11.
Amazon calls for the greatest caution. In an email addressed to most of its customers, the American online commerce and entertainment giant on Friday, August 11, denounced a number of new scams perpetrated by cybercriminals who took the name of the group to better defraud its customers.
Among the methods used by web hijackers, there are two methods circulating mainly through email boxes and through receiving SMS messages or even fake calls. The first is based on the idea of confirming fake orders, the second specifically targets Prime customers. In all cases, these are phishing attempts aimed at recovering your data, and most importantly, your banking information in order to better divert them.
Fraud related to fake orders
In its message, Amazon specifically warned about “fraudulent attempts related to order confirmation.” In this case, the modus operandi relies on emails, text messages, and even phone calls. Your interlocutor then claims “unauthorized purchase” and requests your “immediate” intervention to “confirm or cancel” this transaction. Of course, the logic followed by the creators of these scams is always the same, tricking you into providing your payment information, RIB, or even installing corrupted software that claims to secure transactions on the platform.
Please note, some scammers may also encourage you to buy gift cards, claiming that this payment method allows you to avoid using your banking details on Amazon… The problem is, their idea is to invite you to provide your credit details. their “sesame”.
Amazon specifies that they will not “send you any correspondence regarding an order you did not expect.” Amazon France instead invites you to connect to its site or app and specifies that all valid orders are listed in your personal space, in the order categories.
The scam targets Prime customers
Another modus operandi targeting customers is to attack Prime customers, who are considered the most loyal to Amazon. In this scenario, cybercriminals will again use emails, text messages, and phone calls claiming that there has been a problem with your membership to your Prime subscription or renewal, or by “referring to high membership fees,” Amazon explained. The message then asks you to confirm or cancel the charge. The pattern is the same here, as banking information is still required.
The e-commerce giant says that your Prime membership status can be easily checked in your Amazon account and never calls about its products or services over the phone.
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