Scientists predict India and Pakistan will be hit by a hotter wave

IHRAM.CO.ID, NEW DELHI — The devastating heat waves that have engulfed India and Pakistan in recent months are more likely to be caused by climate change and are a glimpse of the region’s future. The statement was expressed by international scientists in a study published on Monday (23/5/2022).

The World Weather Attribution Group analyzes historical weather data which shows that long and early heat waves affecting large geographic areas are rare events, occurring once in a century. But the current rate of global warming, caused by human-induced climate change, has made these heat waves 30 times more likely.

“If global warming were to increase to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels, then heat waves like this could occur twice in a century and up to once in five. years,” said climatologists from the Indian Institute of Technology. in Mumbai, Arpita Mondal who was part of the study.

“It’s a sign of things to come,” he added. Arab NewsTuesday (24/5/2022).

An analysis released last week by the UK Met Office said heat waves could be made 100 times more likely by climate change. With such scorching temperatures, it is likely to repeat itself every three years. Global weather attribution analysis is different in that it attempts to quantify how certain aspects of a heat wave, such as length and area affected, are made more likely by global warming.

“The actual results may be between ours and those of the Met Office (UK) on the magnitude of climate change that enhances this event,” said climatologist Friederike Otto of Imperial College London, who was making also part of the study.

What is certain, however, is the devastation caused by the heat wave. In India, for example, the hottest temperature in the country started to occur since March and it was recorded a long time ago, namely in 1901. April was the hottest on record for Pakistan and parts of the India.

The effects flowed and spread. A glacier explodes in Pakistan, causing flooding downstream. The early heat scorched wheat crops in India, forcing the country to ban exports to countries reeling from food shortages due to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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