a rather special educational project in Narendra Modi’s hometown

With our correspondent in New Delhi, Sebastian Farcis

Starting next year, two high school students from every district of the country will come for a week in the Gujarat prime minister’s hometown to learn about his childhood and the primary school he attended. The aim is for the journey of Narendra Modi who comes from a humble background to set an example and inspire school kids to “ become an agent of change “.

Therefore, this century-old school in Vadnagar has been renovated and turned into a museum, which will contain stories about the lives of the greatest figures in Indian history, and Narendra Modi, who was turned into a living hero.

A political pilgrimage attached to Modi »

A further sign of the prime minister’s cult, according to Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay, writer and biographer of Narendra Modi: This program is like a religious pilgrimage. Unless it is a political pilgrimage attached to Modi, who has become a symbol of the new India. Everything that Modi touches is thus transformed into an ideal in this regard, this is the level of adoration that surrounds Narendra Modi. And we can now compare this cult to the cult around history’s greatest autocrats, such as Stalin or the rulers of North Korea. »

This political communication will be even more effective as these impressionable 15-year-olds then spread these myths in their villages, which are located in the four corners of India.

>> To read also: India: alongside his Australian counterpart, Modi paraded the stadium on his behalf

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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