5 Asian countries that have the best education systems, including Israel and the United Arab Emirates

Bisnis.com, BANDUNG – In the world of technology and education continues to grow, countries are investing massively to improve the quality of their education systems.

Despite the many challenges facing the world of education, several Asian countries have the best education systems.

Reported from the page InsiderMonkeytake a look at the 5 countries in Asia with the best education systems in terms of public spending on education as a percentage of GDP.

1. Israel

Israel is a country Asia with the best education system. The country spends a lot of money on education. In 2021, the budget allocated to education is 7.42% of GDP.

The country also has several top universities, including Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

2. India

India ranks second in the list of Asian countries with the best education. India is home to 45 top universities, including the Bombay Institute of Technology (IITB), the Delhi Institute of Technology (IITD) and the Indian Institute of Science.

In 2021, GDP public expenditure on education will reach 4.64%.


Kazakhstan is one of the Asian countries with the best education. The country spent 4.39% of its total GDP on education in 2021.

Several universities in Kazakhstan, such as Al-Farabi National University of Kazakhstan, LN Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU), and Satbayev University, are among the top 1,500 universities in the world.

4. Malaysia

Malaysia has 28 highly ranked universities. Some of the best-known higher education institutions include Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). In 2021, public spending on education as a percentage of GDP was 4.27%.

5. United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates is one of the Asian countries with the best education system. Some of the best-known higher education institutions are Khalifa University of Science and Technology, United Arab Emirates University and the University of Sharjah. In 2021, the country spent 3.9% of its GDP on education.

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Jordan Carlson

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