3 types of exercises that can help strengthen the lungs

COMPAS.com – Exercise doesn’t just get the body in shape or reduce fat. However, by exercising, the health and strength of organs such as the heart and lungs also increase.

When you’re physically active, your heart and lungs work harder to deliver the extra oxygen your muscles need. It will make the heart and lungs functionally stronger American Lung Association.

Certain types of exercises can also strengthen the muscles of the neck and chest, including the diaphragm and the muscles between the ribs that work together during inhalation and exhalation.

Always from American Lung AssociationThe recommended duration of moderate-intensity physical activity for adults is 30 minutes five days a week.

The physical activity in question does not have to be sports, but can also be brisk walking, recreational cycling, gardening or housework.

The following types of exercise can nourish the lungs:

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1. Cardio or aerobic exercise

The best type of exercise for healthy lungs is aerobic exercise or also known as cardio.

When you do cardio, the muscles between the ribs expand and contract. Then the air sacs in the lungs work quickly to exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide.

This is what will make the lungs healthier and functionally stronger. The more regularly you do cardio, the more efficiently your lungs work.

Some that include cardio or aerobic exercises are walking, running, joggingcycling, jumping rope and swimming.

2. Lift weights

The next type of exercise for the lungs is lifting weights.

This sport not only increases muscle mass, but also helps improve posture.

The function of nourishing the lungs is also achieved, as it will tighten and strengthen the muscles of the chest, especially the respiratory system.

If done regularly, this exercise can increase lung capacity and reduce symptoms of shortness of breath.

Also read: Choose cardio or lift weights to lose weight?

3. Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are important for increasing lung capacity. When lung capacity increases, the lungs become healthy and the body’s oxygen needs are always met.

reported from Health Linetwo breathing exercise techniques that can be tried include:

Diaphragmatic breathing exercises

As the name suggests, diaphragmatic breathing or abdominal breathing will involve the diaphragm. Diaphragmatic breathing facilitates the effort of inspiration.

Here are the stages of diaphragmatic breathing:

  1. Sit back and relax.
  2. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest.
  3. Inhale through your nose for two seconds and feel the moving air fill your stomach. Feel your belly getting fuller and bigger. In this breathing, the stomach should move more than the chest.
  4. Then, exhale for two seconds through slightly parted lips, while feeling the stomach begin to deflate.
  5. Repeat the above steps and try to do it regularly every day.

Also Read: How Long Is Exercise For Seniors?

Exercise pursed lips breathing

This breathing trains to reduce the number of breaths taken and keeps the airways open longer.

As a result, the lungs will function more easily and increase the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Here are the steps pursed lips breathing:

  1. Make sure your lips are closed and inhale slowly through your nose.
  2. Exhale slowly through pursed or slightly parted lips. Exhale as slowly as possible, longer than when you inhale.
  3. Repeat again and try to do it regularly every day.

So here is a list of exercises that, when done regularly, can help nourish the lungs.

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Cheryl Tenny

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